Responsible Sourcing Practices
This guideline for responsible sourcing practices includes the CHANTY Code of Conduct, which is intended to be a guideline for the entire CHANTY company and associates. The composition and guidelines are in reference to the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and valid law, rules and regulations.
Specifically, it is addressed to the leadership, the managers, all our employees, as well as our suppliers. On the one hand, it represents the demand we place on ourselves to live up to the values and principles mentioned in this guideline, and at the same time it signals responsible behavior towards our business partners, customers and employees.
CHANTY is conscious to ensure ecological, social and ethical behavior takes place or is considered. The goal is further optimization of sustainable behavior and operational procedures in cooperation with all associates.
This guideline is intended as a reference to an ongoing good and sustainable partnership. Suppliers shall acknowledge these practices and behaviors.
Suppliers are compelled to initiate the necessary steps to implement the values and requirements contained in this guideline through appropriate organizational measures as well as adequate policies and processes in all business areas.
Respectful interaction with each other is particularly important to us. Therefore, CHANTY bases our actions on universally valid ethical values and principles.
The internationally recognized human rights (from The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Resolution 217 A (III) from the 10th of December 1948) shall be respected and integrity, honesty, transparency, as well as non-discrimination of religion, ideology, gender and ethics are to be honored. In doing so, the personal dignity, privacy and the personal rights of each individual will be respected as is their due.
Equal opportunity for all employees and employment decisions are to be promoted. No matter origin, nationality, culture, religion and no kind of harassment or violence shall take place.